Good Parenting Brighter Children
Healthy Snacks for Kids & Teens
Check out these 48 healthy, immune and brain-building snacks for children & teens.
Kids who eat nutritious foods do better in school and in life. When giving your kids snacks, give them healthy foods that will:
•Build their brains
•Give them sustained energy
•Increase cognitive function (learning)
•Strengthen their immune system and keep them well
This 12-page e-handbook helps parents choose fruits, veggies & other foods arrayed in all the colors of the rainbow for healthy, smart kids!
95 of the Most Amazingly Fun Books for Kids & Teens
Want smarter kids? Introduce them to the world of books and watch their brains soar!
Here’s a list of 95 of the best books for kids of all ages to read. These books will help your child/teen academically by:
•Enhancing reading skills
•Building vocabularies
•Stimulating imagination and creativity
•Developing powerful critical thinking skills
The 95 books on this list will open your children’s minds; help them critically think, and best of all—develop and nurture within them a love and passion for learning.
25 of the Most Amazing Fairy Tales to Live Happily Ever After
Enchanting fairy tales for kids that teach there really is a “happily ever after!”
Here is a list of 25 fairy tales that will speak to the heart and soul of your children. They teach children to put a dragon in their hearts as they outsmart the villains and live happily ever after. Here’s why you want to read fairy tales to your children:
•Increases imagination, creativity and
curiosity in children
•Life is tough, but good things happen
to children who never give-up!
•Both boys and girls are portrayed as
heroes and heroines!
•The meek can succeed
130 Fun Family Traditions that Will Blow Your Mind!
Traditions and celebrations bind families together. Your kids will love these 130 traditions and quirky celebrations! Ever celebrate “bubble-gum day,” or “find a rainbow day,” or “eat ice cream for breakfast day?” They’re perfect for getting families to love & laugh together!
Traditions & celebrations practiced within a family can:
•Provide a solid foundation for families
•Stabilize and organize family life
•Provide a lifetime of memories
What are you waiting for? Start today creating family traditions to last forever!
Listening Walk in Nature with Kids or Grandkids
Have you ever taken your kids or grandkids on a “listening walk?” It’s a walk where you tune into the sounds of nature—birds chirping, bees buzzing, planes overhead, shoes squeaking, etc.
You will find that the sounds in nature are endless!
Here is a written and picture list of things to listen for in nature.
Download the list and make a copy for each child/grandchild you take on your listening walk. It will help them tune into the beautiful sounds in nature. It will also help them to become better listeners and more observant of the great outdoors.
Enhance the experience and read the book, “The Listening Walk” by Paul Showers to your children/grandchildren prior to going on your walk.
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