Inside: Do you associate your kids’ doodles with creativity, health & wellness, positive thinking, a memory-builder and more? Doodle art is actually a powerful art form that helps kids and teens think, focus and relax. Check out these 8 reasons you want your kids to doodle.
Doodle Art

Doodling is a great way to relieve stress. Turn on some music (particularly classical music) and doodle your cares away.
Did your mother ever tell you to “stop dawdling?” When I was growing up, doodling and dawdling, (according to my mother) were wasteful activities that had no value. After calling me to task, she would add, “and get busy and do something useful!”
Well, it seems that doodling IS doing something useful—and science says so! Plus it’s a healthy thing to do!
You would think scientific minds would have something more important to study than the art of doodling, but not so. Even the great scientific minds find doodling worth investigating. What have they discovered? Answer: It’s an amazing hobby to not only build the brain but keep you and your kids healthy, happy and energetic!
Parents: Here are 8 tips worth discovering about doodling that will motivate you to encourage your kids and teens to take up doodle art…
Reason #1: Doodle Art is More than an Art Form
Doodling is an important way for people, kids, teens and whole families to:
- Relax
- Stay focused
- Grasp new concepts
- Retain information
- Think amazing creative thoughts
- Achieve more health because it’s a way to relax
Yes, doodling does all that…and more. So, parents—plan a date night with your kids and doodle away the evening!

Our son Brandon always loved to doodle. I gave him cardstock paper and a few sharpies and he was off and running. When I asked him what he liked best about doodling, he said that they were ‘relaxing and helped him to think better.’
Reason #2 Doodle Art: Doodling Is A Thinking Tool for Kids & Teens and Improves Memory
Those little spontaneous, random marks on the page appear to be more meaningful than originally thought.
“They are a thinking tool,” states Sunni Brown, author of The Doodle Revolution. According to Brown, doodling can affect how we process information and solve problems.
Doodling can:
- relieve tension
- take random thoughts and solidifies them into a purposeful whole
- doodling is a way of expressing creative energy
- it allows the pondering new frontiers of thought
Clearly, it’s a powerful way for preteens and teens to think.
Scientists have also found that doodling actually improves memory especially when coupled with listening to classical music. When people were encouraged to doodle while listening to a list of people’s names being read, they were able to remember 29 percent more of the information on a surprise quiz later on.
Whatever the reasons for doodling, it is fast becoming a respectable pastime. (I need to tell my mother!)
Reason #3 Doodle Art: Doodling Builds the Imagination & Non-Cognitive Skills
A virtual boot camp, called “The School of Doodle,” has sprung up online and is a platform for the imagination to bloom. Backed by Yoko Ono, Sarah Silverman and Arianna Huffington this website’s focus is to create a place for teen girls to develop their imaginations and learn about creating opportunities for themselves.
Still, in the development process, the website will offer free creative lessons, a chance to earn “doodle dollars,” behind-the-scenes “field trip” videos to movie sets and recording studios, as well as first-person accounts from women about their industries and career paths.
The goal: encourage the development of non-cognitive skills! (that means non-thinking skills which open the door to amazing spontaneous creativity)

Doodle art can combine different methods and techniques. This one is using a black sharpie. They are best known as “zentangles” or lines and circles that repeat in patterns. It’s a relaxing way to focus, think, concentrate and memorize.
Reason #4 Doodle Art: Doodling & Tangling Helps Kids Relax
If you didn’t read my blog on tangling and Zentangles check it out here. This doodling art form is the focus of the book, Totally Tangled by Sandy Steen Bartholomew. Supported by thousands of faithful followers, the basis of this kind of doodling is that even if you are not an artist, you can still “tangle.”
Your creations are called, “zentangles” and all you need to create these multi-patterned little doodles is a black sharpie pen, white paper, and some imagination.
Usually “zentangles” are black and white, with some gray shading, but color can be added. The idea behind tangling? Much like doodling, the focus is to unwind, be creative, have fun and think things you’ve never thought possible!
Reason #5 Doodle Art: Doodling Improves Kids Health
Did you know that health and wellness is now a trend and interest in this subject has increased by 1700%? Huge! People everywhere are looking to become healthier and engage in activities that will achieve that goal. They also want their kids to be healthy and doodling just may be something that can help.
It’s been discovered that as your child doodles, she actually improves her heart rate and it will help her to relax.
Bring out the paper, crayons, and pens—it’s time to doodle your way back to health!
For some teens, doodling is a form of meditation. Meditation helps our mind, body, and emotions. It helps us to come in tune with who we are and helps us to come into harmony with our deepest self.
In many ways, doodling is the same. Whenever we put pen to page, magical self-awareness can happen. Just like meditation improves blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, digestive patterns and muscle function, so does doodling. That is why doodling is being considered more and more “essential art.”
Set aside time each day to meditate and doodle with your kids. The result—improved health, wellness, a stronger immune system and emotional well-being for the whole family!

Doodle art can actually improve a child’s health. It’s a form of meditation and allows the immune system to increase thus helping the child stay healthy and well. Doodling is also a way of releasing negative energy and emotions that hold a child back and can cause illness.
Reason #6 Doodle Art: Mind-Mapping Is A Brain-Aerobic Form of Doodling
By the way, doodling is not some new art form—many great artists, scientists and musicians have doodled their way through history.
For instance, the master doodler was an artist, engineer, scientist, etc., Leonardo da Vinci. And even maestro musical composer Ludwig Van Beethoven did his share of doodling, along with scientist and creative genius, Albert Einstein.
Others include artist Pablo Picasso, scientist Sir Isaac Newton, inventor Thomas Edison, explorer Christopher Columbus, and writer and author Mark Twain.
However, their “doodles” have a more cerebral name: mind-mapping or radiant thinking (because you are thinking and doodling in circles). And I have a whole blog on how to teach you and your kids the art of mind-mapping!
Tony Buzan, the author of The Mind Map Book, discusses how mind-mapping is a form of doodling using pictures, symbols or images.
Mind mapping can:
- improve memory
- strengthen concentration
- spur creative thinking
- accelerates the ability to learn, remember and record information
Classes have sprung up all over the world helping people to understand this fun and interesting way to map, doodle, learn and create.
Many famous and not-so-famous people have used this sophisticated form of doodling to create masterpieces or at the very least, let their minds wander to new heights.
For instance…
Benjamin Zander, Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, created a mind map to help him conduct Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9.
If you are not familiar with Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9—think, “Ode to Joy.” It was Beethoven’s last symphony and he wrote it when he was totally deaf.
Zander’s mind map is a wonderful doodle/inner expression of this great musical masterpiece. He created a startlingly new approach to conduct the famous symphony and was the result of his years of study and internal mind mapping.

Obviously, this is NOT Zander’s mind-map of Beethoven’s Symphony. But, it gives you an idea of how mind-mapping and doodling are closely related and in many instances produces the same result of focused thinking, problem-solving and memorization
Reason #7 Doodle Art: Doodling and Music Increase Creativity & Inspiration
If you want to take your experience to a new level—turn on a music CD while doodling, tangling or mind mapping. Consider Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart, or if you want someone a little more edgy, try Stravinsky.
You can check out the 50-page Resource section of my book, Good Music Brighter Children for ideas of specific pieces of music to play from the great classical composers that will take your doodles and mapping to new heights. Or just use the suggestions below…
Music Suggestions while Doodling
Whenever my sons wanted to doodle for inspiration, creativity or for relaxation, I played classical music for them. Here are some of our favorites:
- Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D. Start with the 3rd movement
- Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos
- Heigh-Ho! Mozart
- Bibbidi Bobbidi Bach
Reason #8 Doodle Art: Doodle as a Family to Solve Problems

Make doodling an important activity in your home and with your kids. Watch their thinking, problem-solving and immune systems soar. It’s fun and so much better than playing mindless video games! (and more colorful)
Start a tradition of doodling in your home. Begin by thinking up a problem or concern your family is facing. Hold a family council; present the problem. Pass out paper, pencils, pens, markers and ask everyone to doodle their way to a creative solution.
Since doodling is a problem-solving, thinking tool, the solutions your kids come up with will more than likely be spontaneous creative solutions that no one has ever thought of!
And for good measure, play inspiring music in the background—let your kids choose (as painful as that may be…) And, btw: by adding music when doodling you are bound to solve the problems of the world—or at the very least—your own!
Doodle Art: Books for Kids & Parents on Doodling, Tangling & More
Check out these books about doodling on Amazon. They will give your children lots of inspiration regarding the art of doodling! Start doodling with your kids–you’ll find that the time spent on doodling will positively transfer to other areas of their lives; it will increase their creativity and imagination and will keep them healthy and well!
- Creative Doodling and Beyond by Stephanie Corfee
- Oodles of Doodles by Suzanne McNeill
- Zentangle Dingbatz by Brian Crimmins
- The Usborne Book of Drawing, Doodling, and Coloring by Fiona Watt
What are your experiences with Doodling? Have you or your kids ever engaged in the fun art of doodling? What have you noticed with your kids when they doodle? Please share your comments in the section below!
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What is doodle art?
Doodles are spontaneous, random marks on paper that are more meaningful than originally thought. Doodling is an important way for kids, teens and adults to relax, stay focused, grasp new concepts, retain information, think creative thoughts, improve memory, and achieve better health.
What is the best pen for doodling?
It depends on what you want your final project to look like. Gel pens, colored pencils, fine-line markers, and crayons will all work. With colored markers and gel pens, the colors will be more vibrant. Colored pencils give a softer look and allow you to shade and blend. Crayons create interesting textures.
What is doodle art for kids?
Doodle art for kids is spontaneous random marks on paper using pens, crayons, or colored pencils. Science has found that kids who doodle have better memories. Doodling is a way for kids to relieve tension and take random thoughts and solidify them into a purposeful whole. It’s a way of expressing creative energy and a powerful way for kids to think and problem-solve. Bottom line–doodling actually helps kids learn.
My 8 year old son just loves to doodle and his doodles are very interesting as they each tell a story. Your article has given me some ideas on how to help him express more and bring out his creativity to the maximum. Thank you so much.
I’m so glad your son loves to doodle and that he is creating stories from his doodles! You sound like an amazing mom–to encourage him to do what he obviously finds as a creative outlet. Thank you for sharing!
If only your mom knew the importance of doodling! It makes me wonder if that would’ve affected the paths you took on your way to adulthood. Would you have chosen a career that was more creative? Would it have brought out sides of your personality you didn’t know you had? It’s pretty amazing that something as simple as doodling can do some many positive things for children. Not only is this a good post for parents to understand but also for teachers who see students doodling on a daily basis. So informative! Thanks, Sharlene.
Well, I think I ignored my mother and continued doodling because my undergrad degree is in art! But, I encouraged my kids to doodle–it’s fun, relaxing and just plain healthy. We talk about yoga and meditation (which are all great) but doodling may be simpler for many kids yet equally as powerful. Thanks for sharing (as always) Tiffany!
My daughter is only three and loves to draw. This article is great and will be keeping it in mind for later years.
Thank you Felicity! Yes, doodling really is amazing for building their little brains!