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Parenthood: How to be Skilled at Parenting Teenagers
So They Listen
Parenthood: How to be Skilled at Parenting Teenagers So They Listen Parenting teenagers can be both fun and challenging. To be a teen means going through a rapid growth stage and good parenting skills require the parent to give both support and unconditional love. Here are 6 parenting tips for teens to help you on this journey as a parent. They involve throwing parties to get to know your teen’s friends, lunch dates, fixing things, and above all having a listening ear. Bottom line: these teenage parenting tips are designed to help you form a tight-knit bond with your teens.
Read Aloud: What are the Best Children's Books by Age?
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Looking for a list of chapter books for kids in the elementary age group? This is an amazing children’s book list designed to spark their interest and imagination. Some include the best selling children’s books of all time—Harry Potter series—while others are considered white-knuckle reading your kids will read again and again (Half-a-Moon Inn). Reading to your kids and getting them to fall in love with books should be the goal of every parent. Take a look at this kids’ book list for 10 amazing chapter books for kids!
Organization: Mind-Mapping for Kids -
Here at 8 Ways to Make It Amazing!
Have you ever created a mind-map? Ever heard of mind mapping for kids? Do you know how to draw a mind map? Need some mind map examples? Mind maps are based on the configuration of a brain cell and it’s a way for kids and adults to take notes in class, make goals, and solve problems. It’s powerful and illustrates that humans really do think in circles! Watch this video—for mind map examples, mind maps for kids, and how to draw a mind map. Simple. Easy. Powerful!
For additional information, see my blog:
Scientific: Here are Some of the Most Amazing
Science Activities for Kids!
Science is all around us—in nature, in the world, under a sink, or inside a car. Pick one of the tons of science activities for kids and start experimenting. Plus, the right books will open up a whole world for ideas for easy science for kids, science for kids’ articles, science projects for kids, and easy science experiments for kids. Science helps kids to think, problem-solve, conceptualize, and strengthens their spatial intelligence. Start with very simple science experiments. Introduce them to Snowflake Bentley or How Much is a Million. Ask questions. Wait for answers. Help your child discover the world around them.
Health Tips: Here are Some of the Most
Amazing Benefts of Cucumbers!
Don’t judge a book by its cover and don’t judge the benefits of cucumbers by its lowly appearance! Believe it or not, this little green veggie is amazing and the benefits of cucumbers are immense! Ever read a list of cucumber nutrition facts? There’s cucumber juice for weight loss plus cucumbers benefit the skin, normalize blood pressure, is a great pick-me-upper, and has quirky uses, too. Here are 12 reasons why you need to eat cucumbers
For additional information, see my blog:
10 of the Most Amazing Chapter Books for Kids!
Looking for a list of chapter books for kids in the elementary age group? This is an amazing children’s book list designed to spark their interest and imagination. Some include the best selling children’s books of all time—Harry Potter series—while others are considered white-knuckle reading your kids will read again and again (Half-a-Moon Inn). Reading to your kids and getting them to fall in love with books should be the goal of every parent. Take a look at this kids’ book list for 10 amazing chapter books for kids!
10 of the Most Awesome Books for Middle Schoolers
Here is a list of books for middle schoolers they will go bonkers over! Books that will spark their interest from the start. Here are the best middle-grade books of all time! From Catch a Killer to Summer of the Monkeys and Maniac Magee, etc. These books are considered the best books for middle school age group ever! If you’re looking to capture your kids’ attention immediately with the best middle-grade books of all time, check out the video for details!
10 Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
that Will Blow Your Mind!
The benefits of wheatgrass juice will blow your mind. Wheatgrass nutrition includes cleansing the body and lymphatic system, oxygenating the cells, revitalizing the skin, and more. Wheatgrass benefits weight loss and wheatgrass juice benefits the body, acts as an anti-aging factor, and is packed with important vitamins and minerals. Whether it’s wheatgrass juice, fresh wheatgrass, or wheatgrass powder—start building your body with this amazing grass!
For additional information, see my blog:
Poetry 4 Kids: Amazing & Exciting Ways
Your Kids Will Love Poems!
Like to read poetry to your kids? Check out these fabulous poems that include poetry 4 kids, funny poems for kids, giggle poetry, rhyming poems for kids, funny children’s poems, and short funny rhyming poems. Did you know that one of the most often stolen books in libraries is a certain poetry book? Do you know which one? It’s a favorite amongst kids AND adults. Poetry is a language dressed up in its best clothes. Start a daily ritual of reading to your kids—when set to a rhythm, they’ll remember them forever!
Here are 12 of the Most Spectacular Benefits of Bananas!
Okay, so the banana has a few carbs—so what? The benefits of bananas outweigh any so-called negatives. Banana facts point out that a banana benefits the skin helps with depression and stimulates brainpower. Plus, there are banana benefits for weight loss, too! Have a hangover? Eat a banana? Constipated? Eat another banana! Frazzled nerves? Eat a banana. Yep! The benefits of bananas are astounding—eat one a day to keep the doctor away! Watch the video for more amazing benefits!
For additional information, see my blog:
Are Parabens Bad? Here are 5 Scary Reasons
You Need to Know
Have you ever heard of parabens and what they are used for? Are parabens safe? If not, why are parabens are bad? What are the dangers of parabens? Are there paraben-free products? Whoa! Rewind and start at the beginning! Parabens are preservatives. There are parabens in cosmetics and even food. However, research shows there is a link between parabens and cancer—despite what some scientists say. Read your labels and avoid them like the plague!
For additional information, see my blog:
Why are Parabens Bad? Here Are 7 Scary Reasons You Need to Know
How to Make Art Museums for Kids the Best Places on Earth!
Art museums for kids are fun places to go but parents—you must have a strategy and a plan—or your kids will be bored stiff! Here are my 5 tried-and-true strategies for kids’ museum success! They will open their eyes to culture, exploration, and wonder while giving kids the time of their lives. Plus, the best museums for kids offer amazing hands-on experiences. So, if you’re going to a children’s museum of the arts, use my 5 strategies. They are a guarantee for success! Find out more about the video.
Art Ideas: Here are Some of the Most Amazing
Fun Art Projects for Kids!
Don’t you just love children’s art? Here are some fun art projects for kids that will inspire their imaginations and stir their creative juices. All you need is a little cardboard and paint and you’re on your way to creating cool art projects for kids. Arts and crafts for kids do more than build the imagination—it helps to balance the brain and makes kids smarter. These 2 fun art projects for kids involve using easy paper crafts for kids and other fun artistic mediums. Roll up your sleeves & dig in! This is a no-brainer—art, brain, kids and fun—a win-win combo!
Literature: Here is the Most Amazing Way to Introduce Shakespeare to Kids
Ever heard of Shakespeare for kids? Since Shakespeare was such a formidable influence om language, drama and stories—knowing how to introduce Shakespeare to students and to your young kids isn’t a bad idea. These 37 beautiful stories from Shakespeare offer powerful tidbits of wisdom family members can learn from. Begin with Romeo and Juliet to teach bigotry and the Merchant of Venice to teach mercy. These plays will become family favorites & the books suggested will help you with your Shakespeare for kids’ journey.
For additional information, see my blog:
Here is the Most Amazing Way to Introduce Shakespeare to Kids
Knowledge: What is Lifelong Learning
and Why is It So Important?
Ever asked the question, “what is lifelong learning?” The short answer: a passion for learning your entire life! The importance of lifelong learning can’t be overestimated and the benefits of lifelong learning are many: your brain and body stay young and vibrant and you’re able to ward off the mental effects of old age. What should you focus on to become a lifelong learner? Anything you’re passionate about. Plus, your example of lifelong learning will rub off on your kids and they’ll follow your example. And the beat goes on!
For additional information, see my blog:
Warning: What is Lifelong Learning and Why Is it So Important?