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Recommended Resources (Click Image for Video)
Healthy: 10 Surprising Benefits of Eggs and
How They Build the Brain
The benefits of eggs are astounding! Egg nutritional benefits include rich in choline, filled with protein, gluten-free, essential amino acids and exciting brain-builders! Ever wondered the difference in eggs nutrition between egg yolk vs. egg white? One is more powerful for the skin and one is filled with protein (so you need both). Add them to your diet and to your kid's diets today! They need the benefits of eggs for their brains and more!
For additional information, see my blog:
Parenting: How to Be a Good Parent and
Not a Good Friend to Your Kids
Ever wonder about how to be a good parent? Or what is good parenting? Here are some fabulous qualities of good parents that can help you on your amazing journey of parenting. It may be tough work, but it’s the most rewarding job on the planet! These valuable ideas, tidbits, and examples will show you how to be a parent, not a friend and raise amazing kids! Being a parent is tough work AND it’s the most rewarding job on the planet. Find out the answers to these questions and more…
For additional information, see my blog:
Reading is Fun: Books that Include Cooking with Kids
for the Best Time Ever!
Cooking with kids is the best—especially when you combine a book you are reading into the equation. Stone Soup is the perfect book for kids that allows cooking with preschoolers, gives recipes kids can make on their own and easy kid dinner recipes made of soup and stones! This is a fun activity that both boys and girls will love and will impress on their minds how books and food create the perfect combination! Find out the details here…
Parenting Tips: Date Night with Kids - The Best
Bonding Experience in the World!
Start a date night with kids. It’s the best bond-building experience ever for you and your children. There are many date night ideas for parents that will create a tight-knit relationship between kids and parents. Here are creative date night ideas and inexpensive date night ideas that will allow you to cement that long-lasting relationship with your kids! Start today!
Being a Grandparent: The Best Ways to Keep in Touch
with Grandkids!
Being a grandparent is the best! I love being a grandma and so does Angela Blesi. She and her husband understand the joys of being a grandparent and have created interactive books for long-distance grandparents to stay in touch with their grandkids. They are filled with activities grandparents love doing with their grandchildren and fun stickers of grandparent/grandchild face to put in the books. Being a grandparent is the best—and these books are a way of being close to your grandkids even when you’re far away.
For additional information, see my blog:
Here are Amazing Grandparenting Books Your Grandkids Will Love
Storytelling: Awesome Fairy Tale Stories that
Weave a Tale of Magic!
Children love fairy tale stories of knights, evil stepmothers, handsome princes and damsels in distress. Some of the most popular fairy tales put a lion in our hearts and give us enormous confidence in slaying the dragons in our lives. There are many courageous fairy tale characters who live to tell the tale of perilous adventures. Here are fairy tales lists of some of the most beloved fairy tale stories ever told!
Music and the Brain: Why It's a HUGE
Impact on the Motor Brain
One thing that impacts learning for kids is music and the brain! Music strengthens the motor area of the brain which increases brain power, physical coordination, timing, and thinking skills in children. It acts as brain stimulation, concentration, and more. When listening to classical music, children can get up and move or march to the music thus strengthening those motor areas of the brain associated with learning. Do it before school and get them thinking on all 4-brain cylinders!
Beekeeping 101: The Surpising and
Awesome Benefits of Honey
Honey is amazing! And the benefits of honey are astounding. Both raw and pasteurized honey are good for us, but there are additional health benefits of raw honey—they contain many enzymes that help with digestion; builds the immune system and helps with colds and flu. Likewise, there are positive benefits of honey on the skin and for the teeth and benefits of honey on hair. Add a tablespoon a day to your diet and watch your energy levels and health levels increase with this magic liquid gold!
Family: Awesome Christmas Traditions for
the Best Christmas Ever!
I love Christmas and I love Christmas traditions! All families have treasured Christmas traditions—some are unique Christmas traditions; some Christmas Eve traditions and some are even old English Christmas traditions. But whatever your Christmas traditions—undoubtedly, they are special and sacred to your family! Have you ever heard of the “12 Days of Christmas?” It’s a tradition we have in our home—one that you may want to try in yours. It’s fun and provides an opportunity for anonymous Christmas giving for your children to experience. Get the details here...
For additional information, see my blog:
45 of The Most Amazing & Fun Christmas Traditions in the World!
Gift Ideas: Celebrating Christmas with Family -
How to Make Awesome DIY Gifts
Celebrating Christmas with family makes the season brighter and more special. It’s also a busy time of the year with Christmas celebrations happening daily and the hustle and bustle of the season bearing down on parents. Grandparents—help lighten the load of parents and do something fun with your grandkids. Here are 4 DIY projects to add to your Christmas celebrations while helping frazzled parents and doing something extra special with your grandkids.
For additional information, see my blog:
How to Make the Best Holiday DIY Sugar Scrubs with Your Kids!
Bonding: Communicating with Children -
How to Make it Your #1 Priority!
Bonding: Communicating with Children- How to Make it Your # 1 Top Priority! Bonding: Communicating with children- is an important way to build a bond with your kids. The importance of parent-child communication cannot be overemphasized. Think about parent-child communication activities you can do with your kids such as interviews, date nights or family nights. There are also communication games and activities such as board games and sports games. All these things build a bond and create positive communication techniques with children.
Children's Books: How to Combine
Amazing Christmas Books and Fabulous Food
Reading Christmas books to your kids makes the holidays come alive! Some of the best children’s Christmas books will make the season ring with laughter, excitement, and fun. Don’t just read Christmas books to your kids—add cooking and baking to make it a memorable experience. Children’s Christmas books are the best! Start today—add to your collection of the best classic children’s Christmas books!
Intelligence Music: Does Mozart's Music
Really Make You Smarter?
Many people ask, “Does Mozart’s music make you smarter?” Well, the answer is “yes,” and “no.” There are lots to consider! Mozart’s music is powerful and complex, but there’s a lot of classical music that is powerful—music for studying and concentration, and focusing music. But one piece of Mozart’s music actually did raise IQ scores—find out all about it…why and how it works as brain music! Check out the YouTube here - Intelligence music!
Literacy : The Best Children's Books to Read in the World!
There are tons of amazing children’s books to read that will get your kids thinking on all 4-cylinders! Storybooks for kids opens the doors to imagination, discovery, and creativity. Here’s a list of children’s books that add fun cooking & food activities and more. They are the best children’s books of all time because of the interesting things you can do to make the stories memorable. Make storytime for kids a priority and watch their reading, comprehension, and vocabulary soar!
Traditions: The Best Holiday Celebrations for Kids
in the World!
Holiday celebrations add fun, stability, and excitement to your children’s lives. Here is a list of holidays to celebrate and holiday traditions around the world that you can celebrate as a family. Did you know that holiday celebrations become important traditions in your family and can be the glue that holds the family together? Start today—incorporate wonderful holiday celebrations to your family—you’ll be glad you did!