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Family: Here are the Best Parenting Tips
for Overwhelmed Parents
Being a parent is not for the faint-of-heart. It’s tough work! Here are some valuable parenting tips that will help you develop parenting skills. There are also good parenting articles that will teach you everything you need to know about what is good parenting! Want to raise happy, successful children? Take these parenting tips for parents seriously! Yes, you can parent like a pro!
Ancestral: Children's Blankets - 10 Amazing Reasons
Why They Get Attached!
Children’s blankets, baby blankets, toddler blankets—for many children their blankets are something they love and cherish. If your child becomes attached to their blanket—don’t despair. It’s healthy, it’s good and it’s a source of comfort to a child. Think about different kinds of blankets your kids would love: fleece blankets, throw blankets, baby blankets that are personalized—even heirloom blankets passed down from ancestors that children fall in love with. These transitional objects are, for children, something to love and cling to.
For additional information, see my blog:
Negative Effects of Technology:
8 Amazing Ways to Reset the Brain
It’s common knowledge that there are negative effects of technology—especially when you get too much! Consider this: there are negative effects of technology on health, negative effects of technology on children and the negative impact of technology on society is growing to new and dangerous heights. But don’t despair! Here are 8 amazing ways to reset your brain and keep it healthy from the negative effects of technology. They’re easy and they’re fun!
For additional information, see my blog:
Effects of Technology: Do These 14 Amazing Brain-Builders Instead!
Technology Addiction: Do These 7 Amazing Activities Instead!
Do you have a technology addiction? Do your kids? There are growing numbers of technology addiction statistics explaining exactly the technology addiction symptoms and what it’s doing to our brains. Here are 7 amazingly fun activities for your kids to do rather than being stuck on the internet letting their brains fry. Internet addiction is real—as a parent, you want to help your kids control it before it controls them!
For additional information, see my blog:
Children's Books: 10 Reasons Why Stories are Powerful -
The Best Books for Kids!
Ever read a book you couldn’t put down? Stories are powerful and kids love stories! The best books for kids contain stories that help them sort through the challenges of life. There are lists of books for children to read—but reading aloud to your kids creates intrigue around amazing stories. There are dozens of books for kids to read: classic children’s books by age; fiction books for kids and don’t forget—there are amazing lists of the best-selling children’s books of all time. Check them all out for the best stories to keep your kids spellbound!
GMO Warning: 8 Reasons Why
Genetically Modified Foods are Bad
Sorry, but genetically modified food has created HUGE problems in our food chain. You can’t “fool Mother Nature,” and GMOs are simply not the same as a seed from nature. GMO foods are bland; lack important vitamins and minerals and are not recognized by the body as safe. GMO grains contain 40x the amount of gluten than before; high fructose corn syrup made from GMO sugar beets is recognized by the body as fat—not a sugar. If you want to keep you and your children healthy—avoid them like a plague. It will require savvy shopping—but in the end, you’ll be glad you dumped GMO’s from your diet.
Nutrition Health: What are the Top Best Foods
for Skin and Why?
Sorry, but genetically modified food has created HUGE problems in our food chain. You can’t “fool Mother Nature,” and GMOs are simply not the same as a seed from nature. GMO foods are bland; lack important vitamins and minerals and are not recognized by the body as safe. GMO grains contain 40x the amount of gluten than before; high fructose corn syrup made from GMO sugar beets is recognized by the body as fat—not a sugar. If you want to keep you and your children healthy—avoid them like a plague. It will require savvy shopping—but in the end, you’ll be glad you dumped GMO’s from your diet.
Interesting: How the Planets Create Amazing Music
in the Universe
Did you know that there is music in the universe? The planets, stars, sun, and moon all create musical tones that have been heard and recorded. “Universe music” or “space music,” or “cosmic music,” as it is called. Every 12 years the planets become aligned and produce musical chords resonating in the universe. The sun produces guitar-like sounds and stars create sounds never heard of in the universe. Animals also respond to music. This epic space music, this amazing music in the universe confirms the importance of music for our very beings and every living creature. This is a must-watch video!
Family History: Finding Your Ancestors -
Helpful Ways to Help Kids Research
Finding your ancestors is like going on the most amazing and interesting scavenger hunt! Ancestry links us to generations we’ve never met and gives us insights into their lives. Have you ever used family history search or ancestry search to discover long-lost ancestors? Create a game and involve your kids—they will love finding ancestors—reading their stories and discovering traits that are similar. The threads that link us to our ancestors create forever bonds!
Benefits of Music: How to Use Music
to Teach Powerful Values
Teaching kid’s values are important but how do you do it? Music! It’s another amazing benefit of music—the very process teaches kids lifelong values! When a child learns a musical instrument, they learn such values such as discipline, responsibility, teamwork skills & more. The benefits of music education extend beyond just learning an instrument—they learn values that will benefit them their entire lives. The positive effects of music education cannot be underestimated. Sign your kids up for music lessons and watch the value of music education come alive in their lives.
Children's Books: Here are the Best Books About Music
That Teach Amazing Lessons to Kids
When choosing books to read to kids, add books about music, particularly fiction books about music such as “Miss Mary Mack.” “Moses Goes to a Concert,” or “The Magic Flute.” These are some of the best music books of all time and will delight your children and teach them valuable lessons. Want books about music that take a scientific approach? Try “Rubber Band Banjo and a Java Jive Base.” Music books are the best for creating imaginative thinkers. Start reading them today!
For additional information, see my blog:
11 Amazing Ways Children's Books that Teach Lessons with Food
Creativity: 10 of the Best Fun Activities for Kids
That Build a Creative Brain
Want fun activities for kids that will help them both relax and build their brains? Try creative activities at home that include art activities for kids, such as doodling, tangling, drawing more. What about listening to music that stirs thinking or doing fun writing exercises that eliminate stress? Check out these 10 fun activities for kids—brain builders and more.
Music: 5 of the Best Musical Methods for Kids of All Ages
If you’re looking to introduce any piece of music to your kids—here are 5 music activities for kids that will get them hooked! Falling in love with music just doesn’t happen—someone must show kids the way through music lessons for kids, music games for kids, music classes for kids, and fun music activities. These 5 techniques will help your children love music—from listening, dancing, drawing to music, and more, music activities for kids never felt so much fun!
Creativity: The Best in the World-
Creative Thinking Games for Kids
Developing creative thinking skills in kids is a process and in order for kids to love the process—it’s gotta be fun! There are many types of creativity but this one is perfect for teaching connections and problem-solving skills. It’s all about making movies and connecting them to every subject under the sun. These creative thinking examples will get your kids thinking beyond the box and problem-solving like pros. Creative thinking will prepare them for college and the importance of creativity in the 21st century!
Negative Feelings: Why Do Negative Emotions
Affect Us in a Bad Way?
Negative emotions are real and can be debilitating. Eastern thought believes that we harbor certain negative emotions in certain organs of the body. Over time, unless negative feelings are released, they can compromise the organ. Here are 17 organs and the negative emotions attached to each organ and how to effectively release them through 10 positive emotions for better health.