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Here are Bite-Size Parenting Tips for Big-Size Success!
Looking for bite-size parenting tips to help you navigate the shark-infested waters of parenthood? Here are 90 tidbits of parenting advice for 90 days. These tips for parents are designed to help you raise brighter, happier, and emotionally stable children. We’ll explore different topics about parenting: books, music, nutrition, traditions, grandparenting (and of course, parenting)!
How to Make Time with Your Kids Your #1 Priority!
Do you know how important it is to spend time with your kids?
Quality time with kids is extremely important. In fact, both quality and quantity time is the most important thing we can give our kids. The benefits of spending time with your child include improved behavior, success in school, emotional stability, and more.
How to Step Into the World of Children's Books!
Want to raise a child who’s an early talker, an early reader with a high degree of literacy? You need children’s books! And, you need to read-aloud to them every day with stories for kids from utero on. Reading aloud to your child in utero will create a smarter child with advanced language and vocabulary skills.
The Ultimate Guide to How Music & the Brain is So Powerful!
Do you know why music and the brain are so powerful for your child’s learning? Music affects the brain in amazing ways by building it and making it stronger. And the best music is classical music for babies played in utero and beyond! Babies in utero can benefit from listening to classical music each day. Playing music for a baby in utero is pure brain stimulation and improves memory, builds language and increases vocabulary by the age of two.
Awesome Brain-Boosting Fats for Insanely Smarter Kids!
Did you know that our brains are 90% fat? And kids need brain-boosting fats to keep their brains in tip-top shape! If you want smart kids—it’s imperative that you feed them healthy fats that act as brain food. As a parent, become informed regarding good fats vs. bad fats because healthy fats create healthy kids with healthy brains who do better in school, with friends, and in life. Brain-Boosting Fats—they make all the difference!
For additional information, see my blog:
70 Awesome Ways Healthy Fats Boost Your Brain & Make Kids Smarter!
How to Create Memorable Family Traditions
that Will Last Forever
From the simple to the elaborate, memorable family traditions keep families together and provides important life-sustaining memories. What family traditions do you practice in your family? The importance of family traditions cannot be underestimated…they are the glue that holds families together. If you’re looking for a good time to start memorable family traditions—anytime is a good time! Start today and create a lifetime of family togetherness.
For additional information, see my blog:
Here's Why Family Traditions Make the World a Colorful Place
How to Build the Best Grandparent/Grandchild Relationship
Grandparents play a huge role in their grandchild’s life. And taking time to build the best grandparent-grandchild relationship will result in long-lasting dividends. Grandparents can create this bond by planning, preparing, and executing those activities that will cement an amazing grandparent-grandchild relationship. One that will be cherished and remembered forever by those special people we call grandchildren!
Warning: Beware the Dangers of Technology!
As a parent, how much do you know about the dangers of technology? What about the dangers of technology addiction? Here’s something to think about: the overuse of technology can compromise the brain health of you and your children. The negative effects of technology on youth include rewiring of the brain, learning issues, and mental health issues. Become educated regarding the dangers of technology use and use my ideas to guard your child against too much tech use!
For additional information, see my blog:
Effects of Technology: Do These 14 Amazing Brain-Builders Instead!
Blow Your Mind Reasons Why Read Aloud Books
= Smarter Kids!
If you want to raise a child who is an early talker, early reader, has more sophisticated language skills, a larger vocabulary, and better writing skills—you’ve got to read aloud to them—every day! Read aloud books will change your child’s life. Along with amazing imaginations, they will do better in school, develop a keen intellect and be more successful in life. Start a read-aloud tradition in your home and watch your kids’ intellect soar!
Why Classical Music is the Best Brain Music Ever for Kids!
Have you ever wondered why classical music builds the brain but other genres of music do not? So let’s think of this in terms of buildings. Architecturally speaking, classical music is like a gothic cathedral and all other music is like any other simple, straightforward building. Gothic cathedrals contain intricate designs, patterns, and complexity—just like the structure of classical music. No wonder in terms of music and the brain—classical music trumps them all and displays amazing brainpower. You want brain stimulation? Then you want classical music!
What are the Best Brain Foods for Making Kids Smarter?
Vegetables are one of the best brain foods on the planet. They are amazing for kids because they improve cognitive function (veggies help you learn and think), and the high fiber content of vegetables keeps kids energized and healthy. The beautiful colors found in fruits and veggies (called phytochemicals) protect the plants and when we eat them, the phytochemicals protect us and build our immune systems. Remember: vegetables build the body while fruits cleanse the body and together they fight against depression and keep us happy!
For additional information, see my blog:
Amazing Ways of Teaching Kids Service & Why It's Important
As a parent, teaching kids service is one of the most important activities to involve your children. Giving service helps kids of all ages to understand that to be truly happy we should be involved in simple service projects and giving to others. There are many ways to serve your family, but one thing to remember about service is it’s NEVER convenient…but definitely worth the effort!
The Best "How To" Activities for Grandparents
and Grandchildren
Grandparents play a huge role in their grandchild’s life. And taking time to build the best grandparent-grandchild relationship will result in long-lasting dividends. Grandparents can create this bond by planning, preparing, and executing those activities that will cement an amazing grandparent-grandchild relationship. One that will be cherished and remembered forever by those special people we call grandchildren!
For additional information, see my blog:
Here are the Best Activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren
9 Things Kids Can Do to Become Smarter!
Ever hear of The Theory of Multiple Intelligences? It was a huge breakthrough in education and outlined many ways to become smarter. Howard Gardner of Harvard University identified 9 unique ways to be amazingly smart. No longer do we believe the notion that children are born with a fixed intelligence measured by an IQ test. We now recognize the intelligence in everyone. Here are 9 different ways our kids can identify and develop their intelligence; how to be smart and how to get smarter and reach your potential!
For additional information, see my blog:
Multiple Intelligences: 9 Unique Ways to be Amazingly Smart!
Halloween Books that Will Send Goosebumps
Down Your Spine!
Kids of all ages love Halloween AND they love Halloween books filled with pumpkins, witches and goblins. Yes, scary books to read in the dark make it the best holiday ever! Here are some fun and spooky Halloween books to add to your family’s collection. Alert: you’ll love the ideas on creating the perfect mood with music, fun, food with your Halloween books! It’s also the perfect holiday for starting a tradition of read-a-loud fun. Don’t miss these fun, entertaining and spooky Halloween books—they are dying to be read!
For additional information, see my blog: